Network for Biological Invasions and Dispersal Research
Seminar Series
- 30 Nov, 2010, University of New Brunswick
Speaker: Wendi Wang, Southwest Normal University, China Title: Influences of adaptive dispersal in competitive populations Location: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 12 Oct, 2010, University of New Brunswick
Speaker: Meredith Greer, Bates College Title: Toward understanding the role of Gloeotrichia echinulata in eutrophication of lakes: early modeling results Location: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 14 Sept, 2010, University of New Brunswick
Speaker: Shaogen Zou, York University Title: Multiple Epidemic Waves in a Delayed Heterogeneous SIR Model Location: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 16 Mar, 2010, University of New Brunswick
Speaker: Daihai He, MacMaster University Title: Likelihood-based inference on the cause of multiple waves in the 1918 influenza pandemic in London Location: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 9 Dec, 2009, University of Western Ontario
Speaker: David Fisman, Ontario Central Public Health Laboratory Title: The Flu Formula: How Mathematics Helped Canada Fight H1N1 Location: 2:30 PM, Middlesex College Room 204, University of Western Ontario - 17 Nov, 2009, University of Western Ontario
Speaker: Yuan Lou, MBI, Ohio State University Title: The Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases Location: 2:30 PM, Middlesex College Room 204, University of Western Ontario - 4 Nov, 2009, University of Western Ontario
Speaker: Connell McCluskey, Wilfrid Laurier University Title: Global Stability for Epidemic Models using Functional Differential Equations Location: 3:30 PM, Middlesex College Room 204, University of Western Ontario - 4 Nov, 2009, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
Speaker: Allison Kolpas Title: Effects of Demographic Stochasticity on Population Persistence in Advective Media Location: 2:45 PM, KED B015, University of Ottawa, Ottawa - 16 Oct, 2009, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
Speaker: Minh Van Nguyen Title: Asymptotic Behavior of Individual Orbits of Discrete Systems Location: 3:30 PM, KED B005, University of Ottawa, Ottawa - 17 April, 2009, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Yuming Chen Title: Stability results by a fluctuation lemma Location: 2:30 PM, Tilley 404, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 24 March, 2009, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Hongbin Guo Title: Modeling Hepatitis B virus infection in an epidemic country Location: 3:30 PM, Tilley 404, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 16 March, 2009, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Julien Arino Title: Using metapopulations to describe the spatio-temporal spread of infectious diseases Location: 3:30 PM, Tilley 404, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton - 30 October 2008, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
Speaker: Gideon A. Ngwa Title: On the population dynamics of the malaria vector Location: 2:30 pm, room 418 Machray Hall, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg - 9 October 2008, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Muhammad Dur-e-Ahmad Title: Structural Plasticity of Dendritic Spines: A Computational Study Location: 2:30 pm, room 403 Tilley Hall, UNB Fredericton - 3 October 2008, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Guihong Fan Title: Hopf Bifurcation in a delayed Predator Prey Model in the Chemostat Location: 12:30 pm, room 307 Tilley Hall, UNB Fredericton - 20 February 2008, University of Ottawa
Speaker: Rebecca Tyson Title: Modelling the Dynamics of the Canada Lynx and Snowshoe Hare Population Cycle Location: 2:00 pm, KED B015, University of Ottawa - 23 November 2007, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Chunhua Ou Title: Analysis of Non-local Reaction Diffusion Equations Location: 2:30 pm, room 205 Tilley Hall, UNB Fredericton - 29 March 2007, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Speaker: Frithjof Lutscher Title: Life in the flow: Persistence, Invasions and Competition in Rivers Location: 3:00 pm, room 404 Tilley Hall, UNB Fredericton - 30 March 2007, Memorial University Newfoundland,
Speaker: Wenzhang Huang Title: Traveling Waves for the Model of Microbial Growth and Competition in a Flow Reactor - 15 November 2006, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton,
Speaker: Alexei Cheviakov Title: Framework for Nonlocally Related PDE Systems Arising from Conservation Laws